Author Archives: Vladislava Sukhanovskaya

Knight Center alumna wins First Amendment award

Carol Terracina-Hartman, a Knight Center alumna and assistant professor of journalism and mass communications at Murray State University, has won the Louis E. Inglehart First Amendment Award from the College Media Association.

The award is named to honor Ingelhart, a retired Ball State University journalism professor, who dedicated his academic career to studying and teaching the First Amendment. An awardee has to make an extraordinary, long-term contribution in support of the First Amendment.


MSU hosts screening of new Knight Center supported environmental documentary about Nicaragua

Photo credit: Patrol project

The new documentary “Patrol” is about Indigenous Rama and Afro-descendent Kriol communities of Nicaragua fighting illegal cattle ranching in the Indio Maíz Biological Reserve not far from the Costa Rican border.

The film, supported in part by a grant from the Knight Center for Environmental Journalism, will be aired on the MSU campus.

“This is the story of them and how they struggle to protect their ancestral territory,” said Tardi, an activist, who decided to stay anonymous for safety reasons. Continue reading