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Knight Center researcher presents social media paper in Netherlands

Carol Terracina Hartman

Carol Terracina Hartman

Doctoral candidate Carol Terracina Hartman is presenting a paper examining the use of social media among nonprofit environmental groups at a June conference in Amsterdam.
Sponsored by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Science, the Social Media and the Transformation of Public Space annual conference takes place at the University of Amsterdam.
The paper accepted for presentation is “Communication and Sustainability: Exploring nonprofit environmental groups use of social media.”
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Tomato seeds, environmental justice and globalization

Guntra Aistara. Image: Central European University

Guntra Aistara. Image: Central European University

By Eric Freedman
We often refer to the importance of planting seeds – the seed of an idea, the small acorn that births the giant oak. But can seeds, real seeds, germinate into a revolution?
That’s what happened in a grassroots – or tomato roots – uprising in Latvia, a West Virginia-sized former Soviet republic laying between the Baltic Sea to the west and Russia to the east.
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