Do Real Journalism this Spring! Get Published!

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Spring 2014 Courses Open to All Majors—
Enrollment Limited

pirateflagwave2JRN 472/872: Environmental Reporting Lab – Skulls & Crossbones—Reporting on Hazardous Waste, Nuclear Radiation, Toxic Chemicals and Invasive Species in the Great Lakes
Cover hot-button issues including leaking dump sites, nuclear power plants, pesticide run-off, alien animals and plants, air and water pollution, environmental health hazards, animal diseases and more for Great Lakes Echo, our online environmental news service. Opportunities available for text, photo, video, audio and social media reporting
3 credits: Tuesday & Thursday 4:10-5:30 p.m.
To waive prerequisites, contact Eric Freedman
(, 355-4729)

JRN 420: Capital News Servicesmallwhitedome
Report on state government, politics and public
policy for more than 30 newspapers and online news outlets across Michigan that belong to Capital News Service. Education, public health, civil rights, environment, economic development, transportation, agriculture, urban and rural policy, criminal justice, taxes and more…
4 credits: Monday, Wednesday & Friday mornings
For instructor permission to register, contact
Dave Poulson (, 432-5417)