Hey you researchers, learn to tell your story

Straight from the horse’s mouth may sound like the best way to get information, but not if you don’t understand the whinnies and neighs.
Likewise, scientists and researchers may have the best understanding of their own work but can’t explain it if they lack translational skills. That is a part of the scientist-to-public interaction I’ve been working on with the development of a free online workshop called “Plan, Produce, Share: Telling your Research Story.”
The next one is June 15. Enroll here.
The workshop targets researchers, but it benefits anyone interested in engaging the public, decision makers and others with information that is technical or otherwise unfamiliar to the audience.

The first week focuses on writing and constructing an understandable narrative. It teaches you to kill jargon, focus topics, decide what not to write, use active voice, report what’s interesting rather than merely important, use word and graphic images and omit needless words.
The next three weeks teaches you to build a simple video with free tools. It’s the kind of thing that you can use for a Linked-In profile, an item for your CV, a way to demonstrate your communication skills to employers. It is an asset that can bolster grant applications, improve your teaching, make your research more discoverable and applicable.
The video at the top of this page was produced by a researcher who took this class.
Here’s another:

It’s easy, fun and free. And we’ll even give you a certificate of completion when you successfully finish the class.
David Poulson is the senior associate director of Michigan State University’s Knight Center for Environmental Journalism.