Category Archives: Awards


MSU students can get paid scholarships, internships and jobs reporting on social justice

L.A. Times reporter and MSU J-School alum Tony Briscoe explains how MSU J-School students who contribute to diversity can  get paid right now while gaining experience and improving their resume and portfolio.

And he explains how his reporting in Los Angeles and Chicago on the intersection of social justice  and the environment got him in on the hottest story around. See Tony here and read on for more information about how you can, too.

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Knight Center student wins Iceland reporting trip

By Finn Hopkins

Recent MSU graduate Cassidy Hough (far right) poses alongside other 2023 Storyfest winners.
Credit: Alexandra Daley-Clark/Lindblad Expeditions

A Michigan State University student recently won a climate change reporting trip to Iceland in a national journalism contest.

Cassidy Hough won first place in the “Best Use of Science or Data” category of the competition with a report on perennial grains for the Knight Center for Environmental Journalism’s Food Fix podcast.

Judges recently announced the winners of the annual national Storyfest competition for exemplary work covering stories on the environment, sustainability and climate change.

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Knight Center receives Mott Foundation grant to increase diversity of environmental reporters

A lack of diverse and inclusive staff can hinder the ability of a news organization to explain environmental challenges and solutions. In Michigan, the situation is compounded by the need for more and better Great Lakes and environmental reporting by emerging journalists.

The Knight Center for Environmental Journalism at Michigan State University’s School of Journalism looks to address both concerns through a new partnership with the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation. Underwritten by a $150,000 grant from Mott, the two-year project will build on the assets of the two organizations through the creation of internships, reporting positions and scholarships for tuition and professional conferences. Continue reading

Awards, scholarships recognize outstanding environmental journalism students

Students in our environmental journalism classes and working for the Knight Center and Great Lakes Echo garnered top recognition at the School of Journalism’s 2021 Awards Ceremony. Congratulations to all.

Don Caldwell Memorial Scholarship in Environmental Journalism

  •  Weiting Du, Taylor Haelterman and Chioma Lewis

Len Barnes AAA Michigan Fund Award

  • Jonus Cottrell, Taylor Haelterman and Indri Maulidar

Rachel Carson Award for Outstanding Graduate Student in Environmental Journalism

  • Chioma Lewis

Mickie L. Edwardson Endowed Scholarship

  • Apoorva Joshi and Marie Orttenburger

Michael A. and Sandra S. Clark Scholarship

  • Claire Moore and Leigh Anne Tiffany

Edward J. Meeman Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Student in Environmental Journalism

  • Lillian Young

Knight Center Service Award

  • Taylor Haelterman

      Chioma Lewis

      Jonus Cottrell

      Weiting Du

      Taylor Haelterman

      Apoorva Joshi

      Indri Maulidar

      Claire Moore

      Marie Orttenburger

      Leigh Anne Tiffany

      Lillian Young