Category Archives: Eric Freedman

Eric Freedman is the director of Michigan State University’s Knight Center for Environmental Journalism

Keeping on top of the news, Great Lakes Echo style

Eric Freedman

By Eric Freedman

As journalists and as researchers, the Knight Center’s faculty and students keep up with, report about and study the latest environmental developments. Although we’re based here at Michigan State’s School of Journalism, our scope and interests go far beyond Michigan with a particular emphasis on the Great Lakes region.

We’re also international in scope and not just about Canada. For example, our faculty and grad students are conducting research projects and training professional journalists in Latin America, China and Central Asia.

Environmental issues in our region reflect national concerns.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Research and Development has just released a list of 10 of the most-read stories in its Science Matters newsletter in 2024. Last year, our Great Lakes Echo environmental news service reported on a majority of those same topics for our readers.

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Trust in media down, but what does ‘the media’ mean’?

By Eric Freedman

Americans’ trust in the media remains at a record low, a new Gallup poll reports, with only 31% of those surveyed expressing a “great deal” or “fair amount” of confidence in the press.

That is a lower confidence rate for the press than for Congress, federal courts and respondents’ own state and local government.

The high point in trust in the media came in the 1970s at 68% to 72% of those polled, according to Gallup.

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Open call for 2024 proposals for high school journalism and environmental science collaborations

To encourage collaboration between high school journalism and environmental science classes, we invite teachers to submit proposals for innovative class projects in which journalism students will report about field research by environmental science students. Our principal goals are:

  • to help young prospective journalists better understand and explain to the public how science is done
  • to help environmental science students learn to use the media to explain their work to the public.
  • To promote environmental and science journalism.

The Knight Center intends to award 1-year grants of $2,000 to up to 3 high schools: $1,000 to the journalism program and $1,000 to the environmental science program for equipment, software or scholarships. In addition, the Knight Center will pair each school with a professional journalist to serve as a mentor to participating students and teachers.

Here are the details:

  • Your proposal must include a project description (750 words maximum), the names and contact information for a partnering journalism and environmental science teacher from the same high school; grade levels of participating classes; and the estimated number of students in the participating classes. A proposal form is attached.
  • Your projects must generate student-produced news or feature stories with visuals (photos and/or graphics) for print, online, audio and/or video that your school will disseminate. The Knight Center will also disseminate these stories to the public through our website, and some stories may be posted on Great Lakes Echo (, the center’s award-winning online regional environmental news service.
  • Grantees must comply with MSU financial reporting procedures.
  • Grantees (students, teachers and professional mentors) will be invited to a one-day workshop at MSU in Fall 2025 or Spring 2026.
  • Application deadline: November 15, 2024. Awards will be announced by December 15, 2024. Projects should begin Spring 2025 and be completed with a progress report October 1, 2025 and a final report June 15, 2026.
  • Read about some successful past grantees at

Send along a Grant Application Cover Sheet with the following information:

  • School name and address
  • Participating journalism teacher (name, email, phone)
  • Participating environmental science teacher (name, email, phone)
  • Project description (750 words maximum): What do you intend to do (scientific research
    and journalistic coverage) and how? What are your goals for the project? How will you
    assess accomplishments?
  • Titles and grade levels of participating classes:
    • Journalism:
    • Environmental science
  • Name, title, email and phone of administrator authorizing submission of the proposal:

Submit by November 15 to Barb Miller at

If you have questions, email Eric Freedman at